Digital Health Information for the Consumer Evidence and Policy Implications
Keterangan Bibliografi
Penerbit | : Ashgate Publishing Limited |
Pengarang | : Nicholas, David |
Kontributor | : |
Kota terbit | : Hampshire |
Tahun terbit | : 2007 |
ISBN | : 978-07546-4803-1 |
Subyek | : Medical Records management, DIV MIK |
Klasifikasi | : 651.504 Nic d |
Bahasa | : English |
Edisi | : |
Halaman | : 258 hlm. |
Jenis Koleksi Pustaka
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1 | 607/P1/2024.c1 | Ya | |
2 | 608/P1/2024.c2 | Ya |